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Renovating the way we build software for everyone.

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Get started on Commune's environment – Create, and deploy your modules!

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Everything You Need

Networking & Wrapping Over Everything

Our current economic landscape is characterized by fragmentation, with various sectors and industries operating independently.
Developers face challenges in integrating and working across different tools, leading to inefficiencies and time wastage.
Lack of interoperability limits innovation and collaboration within the development community.
Commune is a revolutionary protocol that connects developer tools, fostering collaboration, interoperability, and innovation within the development community.
Designed to break down barriers and unlock the potential of shared resources, Commune revolutionizes the way developers work and collaborate.
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Effortless Code Reuse


Commune supports a modular architecture that encourages code reuse.
Developers can create self-contained modules that can be easily integrated into multiple projects, enhancing scalability and maintainability.
Commune facilitates easy sharing and discovery of reusable modules among developers.
Developers can contribute their own modules and benefit from the shared pool of resources, saving time and effort.
Reusing code and components from the Commune ecosystem reduces development time and effort.
Developers can build upon tested and reliable solutions, ensuring consistent quality and accelerating their project timelines.
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Unleash Limitless Growth


Commune supports horizontal scaling, enabling the addition of more resources to handle increased demand.
Developers can easily scale up by adding or using more instances or nodes to the Commune network.
Commune seamlessly integrates with popular cloud platforms and services.
Developers can leverage the scalability and elasticity of cloud resources to accommodate varying workloads.
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Simplify Connectivity

Module Namespaces

We do not want to work with IP and ports as it can get confusing.
We want to map the name of the module with the endpoint that server is on.
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Empowering Honest and Unbiased Voting


The modules will vote on each block at regular intervals.
Tokens are allocated per vote every 6 seconds.
The module's vote weight is determined by the amount staked on it.
Voters are incentivized to be Honest by Receiving Part of the Reward.
Half of the incentive that goes to the voted model gets distributed back to the voters based on their vote (stake*weight).
This helps ensure honest voting to remove bias.
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Rewarding Peak-Performing Modules

Application Validators

Application validators validate modules that best performs that application.
Each validator has its own objective and is responsible for calculating an appropriate reward it can vote based on.
Validators will need to stake to vote, and the higher staked validators will have more rewards from hosting problems.
Modules are rewarded based on their performance with the Validator.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)